Sunday 26 May 2024

CSC Training Day Tour 2023-24: Birmingham

The 2023-24 CSC Training Day Tour continued with its busiest-ever spell of dates, with a fine day in sunny Birmingham.

Nobody can remember the last time there was a CSC Training Day in this city (it was more pre-historic than pre-COVID), despite the best efforts emanating from some quarters to make it a reality.

It was a major triumph to finally overcome certain obstacles and plant the CSC flag in this particularly neglected city.

The last time I had been to Birmingham was to see Stray Cats, when I followed them to all four dates of their UK tour, but that was back in 2019. This time, together with the Great Catherine Lloyd and armed with enough chess sets and other chess equipment to last a lifetime, it was time for a completely different tour date.

The delegates came from far and wide to help us to reestablish a foothold in Birmingham and they included not only a former junior player who used to play in my tournaments in the late 1980s and early 1990s, but also a gentleman who, at 88 (and still going very strong) is almost certainly the oldest delegate we have ever had on our tours.

We had a great time working with everyone and we now hope to build upon this new success during the school year 2024-25 and beyond.

Thank you, everyone, for working so hard.

Here is a gallery from our busy day.

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