Saturday 26 June 2021

Training Day Tour 2020-21: Liverpool

The CSC Training Day Tour of 2020-21 was reduced to a single physical date.

That is not to say we have been inactive on the training front; far from it. We have delivered numerous training days online since the eruption of the COVID pandemic and such days helped to keep us very active in our schools, albeit mainly in remote fashion.

Nevertheless, the single physical date was a particularly important one as it took me to the vibrant city of Liverpool to deliver a training day there for the very first time.

Liverpool's Regional Organiser, Jenny Long, worked very hard to make the such a success. For the first time, a CSC Regional Organiser had to ensure that all of the COVID protocols were in place to keep everyone safe and comfortable.

Here is a gallery from our enjoyable day.

A return to Liverpool is on the cards for 2022.


Wednesday 16 June 2021

ChessFest 2021

CSC will be taking over Trafalgar Square on Day Three of our Summer Festival of Chess!

It sounds outrageous and, despite my predilection for believing six impossible things before breakfast, I assure you I am not lion.

Be there - or be (Trafalgar) Square!

Thursday 3 June 2021


There I was, eating my favourite snack...

...when I was startled by a creature most evil.

Whilst pondering the best way to defend myself, I suddenly remembered... Bible!

Evil sorted, it was time to return to other important matters. The Bible even taught me how to use a fork correctly.

The part of me was played by me.

The photographer and behind-the-scenes maestro was Catherine Lloyd.

The Bible is now available for your perusal and salvation.

No Pot Noodles were consumed during the making of this blog post.

Wednesday 2 June 2021

Checkmate COVID: The Rematch

This is happening next weekend and all of the details can be found here.

You can play, donate or simply follow the action online.

I will be making my debut as a stream commentator, together with my friends Woman International Master Natasha Regan and Grandmaster Matthew Sadler, from 8.00 a.m. - 9.00 a.m on the morning of Sunday 6 June.

Be there - or be square!