Wednesday 21 June 2017

CSC Training Day Tour: Teesside

The three most recent CSC training days have taken me to London, Newcastle and Leeds. Today brought the tour back to Teesside and the excellent CLC Building at Middlesbrough's Acklam Grange School site. 

The day started well with the fabulous sight that greeted us.

We had 13 delegates for the day, which is an increase on our standard number of 10. Indeed, we have broken our attendance records in all of our Teesside events this year.

The delegates proved to an excellent mix of parents, teachers, TAs and chess players. They worked very hard all day long and can certainly be proud of their efforts.

Here are some captured moments from a busy and productive day.

It looks like I am threatening Sean and Paul into making strong moves
Little did Jonathan suspect that he would be coming all the way from
Stoke to be asked to move around the room in the style of a bishop
Sarah, having moved around the room like a rook, makes it back to her chair - in straight lines
However, everyone had to make way for Queen Sophie
It is good to be queen for the day
Knights are tricky

Enjoying the written work

The stares!
Rachel, a long-time supporter of chess in schools, was my PA for the day
Jay - now a teacher - was my chess pupil at Primary School
Mini-games in action and Sophie looks pleased!
More concentration!
Even more!
The magnificent lunch. Nothing but the best on Teesside
Quite possibly a delayed reaction to one of the morning's jokes

Hey - stop chewing that pen! Would you do that at home?

Slightly out of focus group shot (you can tell Rachel didn't take this one)

Thank, you everyone! The fabulous qualities you all brought to the day made it a very enjoyable occasion.

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