Sunday 26 June 2016

In Their Own Words (15)

It is great fun and you have lots to learn. Playing people all over the world would take skill and a smart brain.

Christopher (10)

Chess is my favourite board game because I love solving problems and puzzles. Although it can be hard at times, it is a good brain exercise for me. It is a lot of fun with our chess teacher. He is so funny!

Frank (10)

Chess has helped me improve my concentration.

Daniel (9)

I like chess because it is inspiring. Also, I like it when I win. Chess is a very powerful game. I play it with my friends and family.

Gideon (9)

Chess has taught me a lot of things and helped me beat people I can't beat at other things. I have learned a lot of things through our chess teacher. I feel like I am improving my chess skills and stepping up, getting closer to the Megafinal. I am learning more than I thought.

William (10)

I like chess because it gets my brain working. Also I like chess because it is a good activity to play. Some time I play really good. I've been to three chess tournaments in different schools. A couple of weeks ago I played different people at a tournament in my own school. It was a good day. 

Dylan (9)

Chess is a good for your brain. It is good to play when you are bored on a rainy day. It is very good to play chess because not everybody likes playing out.

Harvie (8)

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