Sunday 27 September 2015

In Their Own Words (4)

''My favourite piece is the queen because it can move anywhere it wants.''
Cole (Aged 10)

''I enjoy chess and I played in the UK Chess Challenge at my school. Furthermore, I played Pirate Chess where you can take the king.''
Mia (10)

''I like chess because all the pieces have got got amazing movements and it's all about your tactics and the way you play.''
Harrison (10)

''When I am older I want to play in chess tournaments and win them. I am already good at chess.''
Kelesha (9)

''I like chess because I like competitive games and chess is one of them.''
Leon (10)

''My favourite piece in chess is the knight because it is always last on the board.''
Billy (9)

''I like chess because it is full of ideas to take your enemy. My favourite person is the rook.''
Memphis (9)

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