Sunday 17 September 2023

CSC Training Day Tour 2023-4: London Launch

The 2023-4 CSC Training Day Tour started yesterday with a particularly fine day in London, with a date which had already sold out a couple of weeks ago.

Saint Marylebone Parish Church was a new venue for me, although Matt Piper delivered a training day there last year. I took directions from a famous detective and was there within a few minutes of leaving the underground.

Matt had already planted the familiar banner and I set about exploring the venue before the delegates arrived.

All very impressive indeed! The delegates were impressive too. Matt and I crammed as much as we could into the day and everyone worked hard on all of the tasks and mini-games.

Only one of the following photographs was posed, so the concentration on display is genuine.

Thank you, everyone, for an excellent day.

New dates for the Training Day Tour have recently been added to our website. Please keep an eye on this page if you would like to attend one of the dates, but beware - they are selling out quickly, so book early.

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